Effective Management, Implementation, and Motivation of Students and Teachers
The Data

Results of the Student Survey
Question One: I like the computer programs I use at school
YES: 69%
NO: 31%
Question Two: I feel excited to use the computer programs at school
YES: 75%
NO: 25%
Question Three: My teachers make me feel excited to use my computer programs
YES: 73%
NO: 27%
Question Four: I feel good when I complete a lot of work on my assigned computer program
YES: 88%
NO: 12%
Question Five: I like when I get a sticker or reward for completing work on my computer programs
YES: 82%
NO: 18%
Question Six: My teachers often give rewards or incentives for completing work on computers.
YES: 87%
NO: 13%
Question Seven: My teachers never give rewards for completing my work at computers
Yes: 64%
NO: 36%
Highlights From the Teacher Survey
100% of teachers indicated that they felt blended learning programs were beneficial in the classroom.
Teachers indicated that they believed blended learning to be beneficial for the following reasons:
Supplements classroom instruction.
Reinforces previously taught concepts.
Student centered and student paced.
Favored by students for its gamification style.