Effective Management, Implementation, and Motivation of Students and Teachers
Literature Review
A collection of the scholarly articles and information available on blended learning

Did you know . . .
Kipp Schools in California report that when using blended learning programs for 30 minutes twice per day 96% of their kindergarten cohort scored at or above grade level in reading by the end of the school year?
Did you know . . .
Graduation rates tripled at high risk high schools that utilized a blended learning model?
The following information on blended learning and much more was learned when conducting the literature review. Here are a few of the articles that were referenced:
Blended Learning for Early Learners
Five Keys to Closing Achievement Gaps with Blended Learning
Making Blended Learning Work in Elementary Schools
Standards, Firewalls, and General Classroom Mayhem: Implementing Student Centered Technology Projects in the Elementary Classroom.
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